viernes, 20 de abril de 2012


"Today being April 20, you may have heard a passing reference at the office, online, on the radio or television commenting on it being 420 ("four-twenty"), perhaps accompanied by a brief snicker. That's because the date has long been associated with smoking marihuana, and has been celebrated and mythologized in music culture and by stoners for years.

Why the association? A number of myths abound, perhaps the most popular being that 420 is the police code used to signify possession of marihuana, but it is not true.

The term was actually coined in 1971 in San Rafael, California, by a group of friends who met outside their school each day to search for a rumored plot of abandoned pot (nice alliteration, right?). Their chosen time to meet? You guessed it: 4:20".

Enjoy the day!!!!

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